Sunday, November 7, 2010


My Grandma passed away this summer. As I sort through the items I have received from my mom that belonged to Grandma, each one smelling of her home, I am glad that I have these material things to remember her by. A prettily embroidered tea towel that I don't recall seeing before suddenly makes me cry. Oh Grandma, I miss you.

I'm so thankful for the gospel. I know that I will see her again. I know I can pray and receive comfort. What a blessing. Its difficult when family members start getting older and their bodies start to fail. It makes me want to live a healthier life to make sure that I can live as long and as healthy as possible for my children, grandchildren and the rest of my family.

I am grateful to live in a country where we can live in comfort and plenty. We have doctors readily availably to us, who cares if we have to wait and hour or two to see them, some people in the world have never seen a doctor. We take so much for granted and I feel that we need to remember out blessings more often.

I love that I have a home and a safe place to raise my children and have so much. Too much really! I am so grateful for the generosity of others, for the blessing of being able to stay home with my family. To be able to teach them and love them.

I hope I can be like my Grandma, that I can lead a life like her. Everyone loved her. Its not the love of other I'm looking for, I want to be the type of person she was, she served in her community and church she created beautiful things, she got a university degree in her 60's or 70's. She traveled, she was truly a woman to be emulated.

I love most of all that I have a daily reminder of her, my own sweet little Anita. I hope she can be like her Great Grandma Anita. I hope that I can too.

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