With all that has been going on in the last month ( miscarriage that dragged on and on), I have not been doing the best at giving the girls the attention they need. So I am resolving to do better, now that I have more energy and and feeling mostly myself again, I am going to direct more energy into doing things with them. Anita and I are watching the Little Mermaid together and it made me think about being little and how into things you could get, as a child everything so real and easy ti become immersed in.
I need to be immersed in their little worlds, I need to get down on the floor and play instead of being off in my busy grownup world.
I love my kids so much and I want to keep them little as long as possible, so more kid time, more play more interaction!!

Happy Thought: Matt is getting interviewed this week for a position in Picture Butte. Maybe the wait to get posted is almost over!!!
Oh, I hope you guys posted soon!!! And I love those girls...what sweeties!