We had a lovely week off before easter, the visit from Mom and my little sister was great, and for once not too short!! I sure miss Dad and my brothers though.

(A, Me, Mom, and my little Sister)
Easter was nice too, we had dinner with our friends sunday, and the easter bunny cam saturday morning! We awoke to a very excited little girl exclaiming over the trail of chocolate eggs leading down the hall. She could barley wait for us to get up and wake her little sister!
I taught the easer story to my sunday school class (age 9 adn 10) and I think it went over their heads, they know the story I would guess but, they weren't too into it. Well, it was good for me either way, I am really learning to love the scriptures, and we are doing the New Testament this year so its extra nice to learn more about the Savior.
So now easter is over and its back to normal life but its spring!!!!! So that makes everything nicer.
Happy thought: The snuggles I get from a feverish little girl. I hope she gets better soon.
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