Tuesday, May 21, 2013


What a busy couple of months we've had, two new nieces and a nephew born, lots of visiting around and some family fun. My brother and his wife had a baby girl in march and a week later Matt's older sister also had a girl bringing our nieces up from one to three in about a week, they are both beautiful! We went up to see my brother for Easter and had a lovely visit and lots of Easter fun. And the girls are warming up to him finally too! Duncan is a pretty funny uncle! There was so much snow still and we had a super fun day playing in it making a big slide and a snowman. 

We had our Kelowna trip after that and then spent the first two weeks in may at Matt's parents for a few days and got to see Gumpo, Matt's Granada who was out from Ontario on his annual visit to see his kids and grand kids etc. then we stopped in Edmonton for a few hours to see Duncan and attend the baby blessing for Sierra. Then we continued our drive up north to spend a week with mom and dad. It was lots of fun and very relaxing. The leaves came out while we were there and we got to watch my very talented sister in her dance recital. We had quad rides and a hot dog roast and lots of yummy food and outside time and Matt got to go with dad to buy a new quad. Dad took Matt and I out to the gun range for an afternoon too. It was a very good time. And on the way home we stopped in to see my grandma and grandpa and one of my aunts.

Three days after getting home we packed up again to head down to Lethbridge to see our new nephew. 

So now we are home and should be staying put for a while. Anita will be starting swimming lessons in a couple weeks and I have to plan Matt's 30th birthday celebration (dun dun DUN!!). And I need to like wash my floor and get rid of some junk.

Matt went go karting with his best friend, it was his birthday the week before.

Robin's make up from one of her dances

Dad reading a book to the girls

Happy thought
We can afford to drive/have a vehicle that can go for ten hours to visit family. 
We have family who we love and loves us and wants us to visit and comes to visit us!

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