Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Picture update

I need a good camera. The other night the clouds looked like they were painted onto the sky, it was so pretty but also looked completely unnatural!

I also took some pictures of my coat! so here they are...

I am so excited to wear it. I just need an occasion!

Since I was putting pictures on the computer I thought I'd share a few more. Here is anita's birthday from June.

I thought that these cupcake flowers were so cute! I even came up with it all by my self!
I found neon food colouring, it gives much more saturated bright colours, not so pastel as regular ones.

I am excited to get some Fall/Halloween decorations. There are so many cute things I could do!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The bad and the good.

I will start with the good.
Yesterday we went garage saleing*. We LOVE garage saleing. Matt got me a super old but pristine copy of 'Gone with the Wind' which is one of my favorite movies, but I have never read the book. And I found a beautiful long wool coat with a fur collar. for $3!!!
Today was Stake conference and I probably heard half of it which is a lot more than last time.
A friend stopped by this afternoon with some cookies and treats.

The bad news is that our van died yesterday, and it looks like it might be for good.
I can barely walk. My back started hurting this morning and has gotten steadily worse, might be making a trip to the hospital tonight.

A few more things on the positive note, Matt has been SO great tonight, he made supper and cleaned up everything. We also borrowed Auntie C's van till tomorrow and another friend has offered to lend us one of their vehicles for a few days too.
Hopefully my back feels better by tomorrow.

(* Saleing - I don't think this is a word but oh well. I couldn't think of how else to spell it. Maybe sale-ing?)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Apples Fall

Fall seems to be in the air. On saturday we went over to Auntie C's house to pick apples from her tree, the kids played in the yard and I climbed up the tree to get as many apples as we could. Everyone else used the ladder or picked from the deck or ground. We even held a blanket under the tree as we shook the apples off and fried to catch them. There were a few injuries, but I think the apples got hurt more! We finally picked all the apples we could reach but there were still a couple branches we couldn't get too. So we cut them down!!
It was lots of fun, and there a tons of apples!
Hopefully we will make lots of pie and dried apples!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A list

OK my friend posted this on Facebook and I think it is SO great!! A list I will use.
Find it Here. I think I'll put it on my fridge.